Want to Make Your Daughter’s First Period Experience Special?
It is an all new experience for your little angel. It’s your next new level of motherhood. Most of us remember the time when we received our first period. For some, it’s special but exciting time, and for others, it’s a time of grief and terror. Either way, you want to make your daughter’s first period as special and stress-free as possible. Here are a five guaranteed ways you can make her time special and let her know things are going to be great as usual.
1. Comfort Means Everything
Comfort is the first step to make your little girl feel natural about her period days. As a mother, it will be a lot easier to relate to your daughter and help her along the way. Make sure you purchase comfortable pads and underwear to ensure bloating and cramping is not enhanced due to tight clothing. As long as your daughter is comfortable, the hard part is taken care of. Be wise and buy Period Panties for your daughter. It is one of the ways you can comfort her to the best. As suggested by many, Adira Period Panties (http://www.myadira.com/) would be a great choice. It comes in different sizes, style and color. Period panties are designed to control stains. This enables you to move around without any hassle.
2. Purchase a Period Starter Kit
Purchasing a period starter kit is one of the coolest things you can do for your daughter. This kit contains many different things she will need for the next five or seven days, including colorful pads, chocolate candy, body wash, cute rags and towels, and anything else you think your daughter will need during this time. You can purchase a period starter kit for home and a period starter kit for school so she will be comfortable at home and away from home. Buy your daughter a Period Starter Kit Now.(http://www.myadira.com/period-panties.html?)
3. Educate Your Daughter
Don’t be afraid to educate your daughter. Get a few books or conduct research online to clue her in on the things that are taking place in her body. There are many websites which can educate your child in an interesting and simple format. One good website this info is howtotellyourchild.com. (http://www.howtotellyourchild.com/ )This will arm you with all the necessary info to handle the issue at large. You will be able to prepare your daughter for her periods and thereby removing any unnecessary anxiety. Talk to her about tracking her period and knowing the approximate time her period will occur again. Talk to your daughter and inform her of what happens now that she has started her period. The more knowledge your daughter has on this subject, the more prepared she will be.

4. Don’t Focus So Much on the Problems
As an adult who has been dealing with her period for years, you know the ins and outs and the good and bad of having a period. Although you can share some of these instances with your daughter, do not overwhelm her with negative aspects and views of having a period. Instead of putting a damper on her parade, take her shopping for period panties, pads, and other things you think she may need. The new teen will need the comfort of placing her top in place. Take a wise step ahead and buy Little Lady Bras (http://www.myadira.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=little+lady )to see your daughter walking confidently in the crowd.

5. When Problems Arise
If you think a problem has occurred or is occurring, it is best to talk to your doctor and see what can be done. Pain is common with a period, but excruciating pain is something you will need to speak to your physician about. There are many different ways you can alleviate period pain and keep bloating and cramping at bay. Use your better judgement to tell if there is a problem or something seems irregular.
For further details log on to www.myadira.com and www.howtotellyourchild.com
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Saru Singhal
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I really want parents to educate their girls about menstruation. Lack of information leads to unhealthy choices and emotional stress. Stater kit is a good idea. Making young girls comfortable with this change should be the motto, in addition to hygiene.
sunaina sharma
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Important points mentioned here….it is such a crucial time for a girl…scary too….only a mother can guide her well but she needs guidance too….these tips are helpful…..
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It is good to educate a girl child about this positive transition to Adulthood..truly liked the Stater kit idea. Nice write up Bushra Muzaffar.
swati bassi
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As you have said young girls should be well educated and aware about menstruation. If they are well informed half of discomfort is made easy.
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Good points, Bushra.
Ensuring comfort & providing support & education can help.
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The only person who can make a girl feel comfortable about her first period is indeed the mother. Right counselling can make periods a stress free experience. However, ignoring the issue can lead to unpleasant experiences.