Father’s day is celebrated in most parts of the globe including India on the third Sunday of June. A day to honor fathers, grandfathers and celebrating fatherhood and their influence in our lives and society in general. The father’s day started in USA to complement mothers’ days and celebrate fathers and male parenting.
The day dedicated to fathers has been commercially leveraged by some restauranteurs and retailers. The clothing retailers are offering hefty discounts on purchases across all stores. Van Heusen, John Players and Wills Lifestyle are offering as much as 50% discount on the second purchase. So take your dad on a shopping spree. Google too has honored the day with a very cute doodle for the occasion.
On Father’s Day, the Discovery Channel will air the highly anticipated documentary – “Rise: The Story of My Brother’s Keeper” – which focuses on a program Obama started to help young men of color. The documentary itself helps with one of My Brother’s Keeper’s main goals: to change the narrative of young black and Hispanic boys by giving outsiders a sense of what their lives are really like. Of late there has been a rise in racial killings and controversies surrounding it in the US.
We hope things get better in the world and the sensitization efforts done by Obama’s initiative bears fruits. Incidentally today is celebrated as the first International Yoga Day which aims at global peace and harmony and works towards a holistic approach to health of world population. Join a Yoga camp organized for the occasion across several parts of the town along with your dad and give his day a health boost.You can get the details of Yoga camps being organized by The Yoga Guru here
A list of some clever cards by Etsy compiled by Mashable is worth a dekko. Noida Diary’s pick is this card (above) guaranteed to touch your and your old man’s heart. Check out their complete list here. So we suggest simply gift an adorable card to your father and most importantly spend some quality time with him bonding over a meal or a sport of his choice.
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The images are not taken by Noida Diary or the author Bushra Muzaffar. In case of any infringement of copyright issues please inform us and we will promptly take these images down.
Permission is explicitly denied for any republication of text or images in this post without the prior express written consent of the author, Bushra Muzaffar.
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Fathers are so important! Nice informative post.
I am yet to check out the Google doodle for today 🙂 The one you have shared is so sweet.
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awsome blog nice information
visit my blog for more
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A great post for the occasion. Well said.
customs writing
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I love my daddy and that wuld be great to see him repented by God and have the eternal life with Him above there. I love you so much daddy.
Bushra Muzaffar
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I am glad you like it Anita. Thank you so much.
Bushra Muzaffar
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Thank you Indrani!
Kalp anaa
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Lovely post Bushra ! That google doodle was quite something wasn't it?
Bushra Muzaffar
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Kalpanaa ya…the google doodle is so cute. Thanks!
anubhav gupta
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naveen kumar
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Great Tips !! Keep publishing the great content.
Ratnesh yadav
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Nice Post! Kepp sharing.