After rejoicing the sudden flurries of rain for the past two days we are faced with the aftermath of blustering winds. A power transmission tower has fallen in sector 129 substation due to yesterday’s stormy winds leading to long power cuts in the city. This 220kV substation provides electric supply to all of Noida. Although mercury dipped after the rains but the high humidity levels is killing. Power Outage…Arrrghhh!!!

3 days more to fix power problem
The power supply has been erratic with long outages and would continue to be so till Thursday. It is going to take almost three days for the transmission department to fix the tower and get the substation up and running. Phew! Three long days. Meanwhile the power supply would be available intermittently for 12-14 hours. You can check with the RWA (Resident Welfare Association) officials about the timing of outages.
Noida Power Company Limited started an SMS alert service
NPCL (Noida Power Company Limited), the power distribution company for Noida and Greater Noida, has started last month an SMS alert service. RWA officials of your society get a message from NPCL about the power cuts in your area. Whether power cut is due to maintenance work, fault in the transmission lines, breakdown of distribution transformer or short supply you would be informed through an SMS. In fact power cuts have become a constant in summers here. So taking advantage of this facility you can plan your day accordingly.
Plan your day ahead during Power Cuts
Wash that load of laundry while you still have power supply and get finished with your grinding and mixing too in the kitchen. Go window shopping in air-conditioned malls while your power cut has rendered your AC useless. Catch latest blockbuster movie in the AC environs of multiplex and escape tormenting humid conditions. People living in society buildings relook at your water pump operating timings and reschedule. These are some of the tips to manage your day around power supply.
You can also check out our events updates on Facebook or this blog to know the things you can do in Noida. Do share with us your experience of how you are coping with power cut. In the meantime, Noida people brace yourself for a brush with sultry days ahead and share your smart ideas to beat the heat.
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Disclaimer: The details provided in this blog are for information purposes only. Efforts have been made to check the veracity of these details. However, neither Noida Diary nor Bushra Muzaffar take any responsibility for any error or omission.
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Sandeep Bhatnagar
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Valuable information … but do we really have a way to get the same sms alert on our mobile phones ??
Bushra Muzaffar
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You need to tie up with your area's RWA as NPCL would be sending alerts to RWA officials only to start with.
Kalp anaa
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Useful! Love the photo of those men working so hard to get the power back. Luckily for Noida dwellers the temperatures are down.
Sandeep Bhatnagar
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Though NPCL should update this information on its website, as at times its not feasible for residents to interact with RWA … anyways thanks .. 🙂
Sandeep Bhatnagar
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The last power cut we seen was yesterday arnd 7 pm …. since thn gettin uninterrupted power supply .. thanks to NPCL .. 🙂
Bushra Muzaffar
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Kalp anaa ya…it's been drizzling for quite a while and the weather has turned pleasant…but for the last two days it was unbearably sultry. I am glad you found the post useful. Thanks!
Bushra Muzaffar
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I agree NPCL should update this info on website too. But people's internet access is limited compared to mobile. The info can be conveniently disseminated through mobile SMS alerts. So Noidawallahs need to newtwork with their RWA members and nurture a good rapport with them to get the powercut info 🙂
Bushra Muzaffar
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Ya power supply was bad yesterday. It should resume to normal from today onwards as the engineers would have fixed the tower by now. and yesss…all this thanks to NPCL 🙂
Alok singhal
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You reminded me of those days when we were in Noida, not so long ago…though the situation was not so terrible. Hopefully it is a temporary hiccup.
Bushra Muzaffar
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The power supply has resumed now..and so far no power cuts to complain about. For some years the power situation had been terrible in summers but things are gradually improving. This was a temporary issue due to rains and stormy winds recently. But the worrisome part in this entire episode is – the tower fell down easily because the metal securing the tower to the ground was stolen. 🙁 The good part is weather has turned beautiful here with continuous drizzling 🙂
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RWAs are for a purpose but we see most of them working for individuals interest of management body – even at the cost of society funds and welfare of members.
For example, RWA of Krishna Apra Residency (Block: E-8, Sector-61, NOIDA) – a group housing society, is taking a number of illegal decisions and exhorting money from residents. Most residents are busy in their work / offices and find little time to intervene. Given this scenario, RWA has started making structural changes in the society (in public / common space) such as a new gate for the society, changes in individual buildings, parking spaces etc. None of these are based on consent of the residents but through nexus of management of RWA. They are using these projects to exhort more money from residents as well as siphon off money through civil and maintenance work. Unfortunately most residents are silent and paying instead of acting against these corrupt practices, which only motivates the RWA management to be bolder in their corrupt work.